What are the care methods for otitis media?

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Otitis media is not a special disease. Most of the causes of this disease come from our daily lives. Therefore, as long as you pay attention to the daily health care of otitis media in your life, you can effectively prevent and treat otitis media.

What are the care methods for otitis media?

1. Please wear earplugs when swimming; people who love swimming should not avoid swimming because they are afraid of otitis media. You can wear soft earplugs and choose a clean swimming pool instead of swimming in dirty waters. Don't forget to wear earplugs when washing your hair or taking a shower. Keeping your ears dry is especially important if you are prone to otitis media.

2. Dry your ears: Whenever you get your ears wet, regardless of whether there are signs of infection, remember to remove the moisture from your ears. Pull the outer ear upward and outward to straighten the ear canal. Hold the hair dryer 5-10 cm away from your ears and blow into your ears. Blow with warm or cold air for 30 seconds. This eliminates the warm and humid environment where bacteria and mold grow.

3. If you suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases such as colds, colds, coughs, rhinitis, etc., you must actively treat them.

4. Use painkillers: If you have ear pain, you can use aspirin to relieve pain before you see a doctor.

5. Hot compress: Use a clean towel to apply heat to the ear, or use a hot compress pad to relieve ear pain.

6. Use home formula: If you often have otitis media or are often around water, you should remember to use a desiccant after every time you wet your ears. Disinfecting alcohol, white vinegar, and mineral oil are all good desiccants. Tilt your head to the side so that your ears are pointing up. Pull your ears back and up to straighten your ear canal. Add a few drops of desiccant, shake your head so that the alcohol reaches the bottom of the ear canal, and then tilt your head to the other side to drain the alcohol.

7. Mastering a reasonable diet is also very important for the treatment and recovery of otitis media patients. Patients and their families must pay attention to the dietary precautions for otitis media.

8. Patients with otitis media should keep their surroundings peaceful. They should not exercise excessively, play flutes or balloons, and rinse their mouths at any time to keep their mouth clean.Maintain oral hygiene, breathe through the nose as much as possible, turn the affected ear downward when sleeping, and do not blow your nose too hard. Appropriate exercise can also help the nasal passages and Eustachian tubes to remain clear and maintain the excretion and ventilation functions of the middle ear.

9. Use antibiotics: In severe cases, you need to go to the hospital for specialist treatment and use antibiotics if necessary.

10. Do not remove earwax frequently: Earwax has several uses, including providing a habitat for benign bacteria. This is a natural defense measure in the ear. Do not use cotton swabs to remove it. In addition, the ear canal covered with earwax is moisture-proof.

11. Keep your child’s external auditory canal and pre-ear skin clean at all times. If there is purulent secretion, clean it up in time.

12. Spray the solution into the nostrils: If you have tinnitus, add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of glycerin to 500 ml of warm water to make a solution, then put it into a nasal spray bottle and spray it on people Nostrils until the solution runs down the back of the throat.

Otitis media is a common cause of earache in babies. Babies often feel throbbing or tingling pain in the ears, and the earache worsens when sucking, swallowing and coughing. Older babies will complain of earache, but infants and young children often show irritability, crying, restless sleep at night, shaking their heads or rubbing their ears because they cannot express their thoughts. Babies with otitis media often refuse to nurse because the earache is aggravated by sucking and swallowing.