Can you eat meat if you have tinnitus?

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Tinnitus is a very common symptom. The occurrence of tinnitus is very annoying. It is a constant buzzing in the ears. Over time, it can cause deafness. Therefore, tinnitus patients should take protective measures in their daily lives. Most tinnitus patients only develop tinnitus because they think they are angry.

Can I eat meat if I have tinnitus?

You can eat meat if you have tinnitus. Eating meat itself has no effect on tinnitus, but no matter what you eat, you should eat it in moderation and avoid overeating, otherwise it will lead to overeating and being unable to sleep at night. Insomnia can aggravate tinnitus.

Experts say that eating a large amount of fatty foods will increase blood lipids, increase blood viscosity, and cause arteriosclerosis. The inner ear is most sensitive to blood supply disorders. When blood circulation disorders occur, it will lead to a lack of nutrients in the auditory nerve, resulting in deafness. The total daily fat intake of middle-aged people should be controlled at about 40 grams, and they should eat less fat-rich foods such as various animal offal, fat meat, butter, egg yolk, caviar, fried foods, etc.

You can eat pork but cannot use special drugs. When tinnitus patients seek medical treatment due to other diseases, please do not forget to tell the doctor that you have tinnitus. Because some medications can make your existing tinnitus symptoms worse.

Eat more zinc-containing foods
Tinnitus is a common disease in otolaryngology. The patient's voice is abnormal without any external conditions. If people with tinnitus are not treated promptly, they will become deaf. Tinnitus is caused by many causes. Zinc deficiency is an important cause. The zinc content in the cochlea is significantly higher than that in other organs. In people over 60 years old, the zinc content in the cochlea drops significantly, leading to hearing loss. You should eat more foods rich in zinc, such as fish, beef, chicken, eggs, various seafood, apples, oranges, walnuts, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, etc.

Eat more iron-rich foods
Iron deficiency can easily harden red blood cells, reduce their ability to transport oxygen, and lead to insufficient nutrient supply to the ears, which can cause hearing cells to Impaired function, leading to hearing loss. Iron supplementation can effectively prevent and delay the occurrence of tinnitus and deafness in middle-aged and elderly people.

Develop the habit of drinking milk

Milk contains almost all the vitamins needed by humans. Including vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin E and carotene. In summer, milk contains particularly high levels of vitamins A, D, and B2. The absorption and utilization of these vitamins and calcium are very helpful in preventing and improving blood circulation and deafness symptoms.

Eat more foods that can promote blood circulation

Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis can expand blood vessels, improve blood viscosity, and help maintain normal microcirculation of small blood vessels in the ears. You can often eat black fungus, leeks, red wine, rice wine, etc.

Eat more vegetables and hard dried fruits rich in vitamins C and E

Vitamins C and E can improve the function of superoxide dismutase and improve the body's utilization of oxygen. Improve peripheral blood flow and protect the inner ear. Fresh green leafy vegetables contain more vitamin C, while black sesame seeds, vegetable oil, walnuts, peanuts, etc. contain more vitamin E.

Appropriate intake of foods rich in vitamin D

Vitamin D can promote the body’s absorption and utilization of calcium. A survey in the United States found that people with presbycusis have symptoms of low blood calcium. Low blood calcium is related to lack of vitamin D. Animal liver, eggs, mushrooms, and white fungus contain more vitamin D.

In summary, tinnitus mostly occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. Tinnitus is also called a "senile disease". The causes of tinnitus are relatively complex, including age, ear diseases, etc. In addition to insisting on ear care, patients can try dietary modification. There are 6 types of foods that can improve the tinnitus problem. It should be noted that patients should not smoke or drink to avoid aggravating the tinnitus condition.