What behaviors can harm our ears?

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Among the five sense organs of the human body, in addition to the eyes, the ears are also a very important organ for us to receive information from the outside world. Therefore, some people call ears the second pair of eyes of a person, and the health of the ears is very important to the human body. So we must take good care of our ears. But there are many little habits and behaviors in life that can damage your ears.

What behaviors can harm our ears?
1. Listen to songs while riding the subway.
Research by relevant departments shows that the noise of the subway can reach 80 decibels when it is running. If we listen to music at this time, it will definitely be louder than 80 decibels. Over time, it will cause irreversible damage to the ears. It is recommended that you can hear other people's speech clearly when using headphones. Turn on the volume of the headphones to about 55%. Do not use headphones for a long time. Generally, it should be controlled within 1 hour.

2. Make phone calls for a long time.

Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone. Human and machine are inseparable, and it is a very convenient communication tool. Many young people like to "talk on the phone" for several hours. Frequently answering the phone or answering the phone for a long time is a harmful way to damage hearing, and may also cause neurological deafness. Experts suggest that when talking on the phone, you should keep your conversations short and preferably no longer than three minutes. In addition, being hands-free will cause the least damage to your ears.

3. Use a hard object to pick out your ears

Earwax is a light yellow viscous liquid secreted by the external auditory canal. Some people are used to picking out their ears frequently, which can easily allow bacteria to enter the ear canal and increase the possibility of infection. sex. Frequently picking your ears with hard objects can easily injure the ear canal and possibly damage the eardrum. Using cotton swabs, matchsticks, etc. to pick out the ears, and leaving match heads or cotton wool in the ears can also cause damage to the ears.

4. Go to the karaoke bar often.

Noise will slowly damage people’s hearing. For example, in places such as bars and KTVs, the sound is very noisy and very loud. It will cause hearing damage over a long period of time, causing tinnitus, deafness, hearing loss, etc. question. It is recommended to avoid going to noisy places.

5. Check your ears after bathing or swimming.
 When bathing or swimming, water will enter the ears, which can cause diseases, such as ear swelling, pain, hearing loss, pus discharge, etc. Children, in particular, should be aware that the water in swimming pools can easily breed bacteria. Children have poor resistance and are susceptible to bacterial invasion and inflammation.

6. The body is too tired and stressed
The ears are the most sensitive organs. When the emotions are highly stressful, blood vessels constrict, leading to ischemia and hypoxia, and deafness occurs. Sudden deafness now mostly affects young people aged 25 to 40, which is mainly related to young people’s excessive mental stress and irregular life schedules. At the beginning, patients may only feel tinnitus, a "buzzing" sound, and feel that the sound is distant, and then suddenly no sound can be heard.

7. Don’t pay attention to swallowing movements when flying
When taking off or landing, many people will feel stuffy and painful in their ears, and the sounds they hear will become smaller, and they will feel dizzy. and other symptoms. This is because the rapid descent of the aircraft from a high altitude causes an excessive pressure difference between the inside and outside of the tympanum, causing middle ear damage, that is, ear barotrauma or aviation otitis media. When taking off or landing, you should pay attention to swallowing movements to prevent aviation otitis media. If necessary, use drugs to shrink blood vessels.

8. Blow your nose hard when you have a cold.
Blowing your nose forcefully will cause the nasal mucus to flow from the airway to other places, causing the pressure in the ear to change, which may cause the nasal mucus to flow into the tear duct, causing conjunctival infection. In some serious cases, it may squeeze into the Eustachian tube and cause otitis media. So don’t blow your nose too hard when you have a cold.

9. Ignore colds, rhinitis, and pharyngitis.
Sinusitis, rhinitis and pharyngitis should not be underestimated. They can spread to form secretory otitis media. Doctors remind that secretory otitis media does not discharge pus and is easily ignored. The main prevention and treatment measures for secretory otitis media are active treatment of nasal cavity and nasopharyngeal diseases, combined with the use of drugs and other therapeutic measures.

10. Abuse of antibiotics.

Abuse of antibiotics can lead to drug-induced deafness. It is important to standardize medication. Antibiotics can control infection well, but at the same time, they may damage the brain nerves and cause deafness. This disease is difficult to treat.treatment, it is best to detect early and carry out prevention.

11. Blow and sniff your nose forcefully.

Sucking or blowing your nose forcefully can easily lead to secretory otitis media or cholesteatoma-type suppurative otitis media. Doctors say that if you blow your nose hard, the mucus will flow from the airway to other places, directly changing the pressure in the ears, which may push part of the nasal mucus into the sinuses, causing sinusitis. It may also push the nasal mucus into the tear ducts, causing eye conjunctivitis. Infection may even invade the Eustachian tube and cause otitis media.

It is recommended that everyone pay attention to their health in daily life, because once you accidentally suffer from respiratory tract infection, it is easy to develop if it is not treated in time. Cause otitis media, especially in the cold winter, when upper respiratory tract infections, colds and other diseases often occur, more attention should be paid to prevent the health of the ears from being affected and harmed.